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IThis information is general in nature and intended as an informal guide to assist those who are considering hiring Wills & Wilson. This information is not legal advice and no one should make important legal decisions without first consulting directly with an attorney.

DWI Stop


If you are stopped by law enforcement for suspicion of driving while intoxicated, you may be asked to submit to a breath test to determine your blood alcohol content. Should you decline the test? If you have been drinking, you should decline. The test isn't given to you to prove you are inocent, it is given to you to prove you are guilty. You may be told you will have to give a blood sample, but your blood cannot be drawn without a warrant or your consent. DO NOT CONSENT. If you have been drinking, you should not participate in field sobriety testing. Do not speak with officers other than to decline testing. Your are being filmed and your conversation is being recorded.

Car Wreck

Have you been injured in a car wreck because of someone's negligence? Get medical attention as soon as possible. Often times, people in car wrecks don't begin feeling the pain and stiffness until the next day. Go to your doctor. If your doctor can't see you, go to the emergency room, and call us as soon as possible. Insurance companies will use any delay in treatment as evidence that you were not hurt, or not hurt badly enough to deserve compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages and pain.



Information about earings, real estate, checking and retirement accounts and property is important in a divorce. Copy tax returns, deeds, vehicle titles, account statements and any other potentially valuable documents, and put them in a secure place.



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